How engineering can improve the voting process

16th of November 2014 was a historical day. We voted. We were heroes. I congratulate all those who got to vote and I send my deepest respect to those who paid for the results by not being allowed to vote. Unfortunately their right to vote was the casualty of the day.

We live in the 21st century which is high-tech, connected and consequently fast. Putting aside the rural and picturesque nostalgia, everything should be regulated by technology, thus increasing efficiency and speed.

Romania has on of the fastest internet connection in the EU and maybe even in the world and has some of the brightest minds in IT and Electronics. Unfortunately(Ironically) it’s voting system and it’s politicians seem to come from a couple of decades ago( when oups! there was no democracy). Why can’t we take our place in this century and prove we know how to make the best use of our assets???? As a future engineer I like to come up(dream) with technical solutions for acute administrative and social problems and I believe with some simple tech we can make the digital vote become reality.

There are 2 types of voting: Physical-by putting a stamp on a ballot and Online-by clicking on a ballot. I will describe the devices necessary and the process flow

Required documents: ID card( with chip or magnetic band preferably) or Passport (with bio-metrics chip preferably)

Required devices: PC/MAC with a secure connection(home/work network)

Each person will receive an access code and password similar to those we use to check our online bank accounts and transfer money

  • Online vote
    • Local High Security servers->Regional HS servers->National HS server/hub. This applies also for those voting abroad.
    • Voting page with a simple, user friendly interface hosted by the Central Voting Bureau
    • Input Data: your ID/ Passport number. Then the server will reveal the rest of your data along with your voting history(only when you voted not what)
    • If you can vote->Show list->Click on the name->Validate choice->Final thorough verification to check if human.
    • Check new voting history->Disconnect

The process is incredibly simple and obvious for those having an email address and a Facebook profile.  Time required: 5-10 minutes  maximum.

Cost of implementing and securing the system: please reader help me with some valid figures.

  • Physical-Electronics assisted vote
    • ID scanner: similar to those used at the customs connected to a server in order to retrieve data and voting history
    • Voting screen+computer: Touch screen with the same interface as the digital vote connected to the id scanner and securely connected to the server
    • Process: ID check-> If valid then show info+voting history->Show candidate list->Click on selection->Validate choice->New voting history->Remove ID

This process is just as simple as paying with a credit card at an automated machine. Time required: 1-2 minutes maximum

Cost of implementing and securing the system: it will be greater than the online vote but it is a long term investment with overlapping aspects such as the interface and the servers, plus it can lead to a more imperative type of democracy.

I hope this concept and this design implemented gradually-first online then electronics assisted, will make a significant difference in the way we run our democracies. There a risk and I’m no stranger to them, especially hacking and political malevolence.

If you like this, do not hesitate to comment and maybe I’ll go even further with more specific designs and who knows where it can lead.