It took them 11 weeks to figure out what we all knew even before it all began

Dear friends, followers and accidental viewers,

This is an intellectual rant and you should read it with a consistent dose of skepticism. It’s not much but it’s better than nothingsafe_image

Blinded, divided and with low-self esteem, that’s the average Romanian who keeps in power one of the most unimaginably incompetent political class  in the entire world and accepts being abused. It sounds like spiritual, social and intellectual BDSM.

Rosia Montana was the trigger for some sort of Revolution….the only one we truly had in the past century. The gold and silver mine projected uncovered a series of deep civic issues ranging from property rights  to freedom of speech and environment. It’s good but  I still doubt it will suffice.  After 11 weeks of protests, a special Parliamentary Committee appointed to sort out the mining project which became some small piece of law announced their “Nay”, being up to the entire Parliament to decide.

The only good part is that 70% of what they recommended to both the company and the Romanian  Government, me and other 50.000 protesters asked 11 weeks ago( at least  1000 have studies related to engineering, chemistry, business). We could have handed them an entire project, with the best modern solutions for a clean and healthy revival of the area…for free, sparing them 11 weeks of pointless talks and bribery, which costs money that they take away from people in hospitals and children in school. The bad part is the rest 30% which is a complete non-sense and proves how idiotic they are ( and how bad my countrymen voted). They are living proof that only the rats survive and insufficient funding on education leads to a generation of morons, like them.

All this is just a bit of dust in the eyes of the qualified people against the project and cyanide based mining. The Parliament is stupid and bribed so we can’t expect democracy to work it’s magic. Nevertheless they’re resourceful enough to find a legal way of making it pass and they will take advantage of the delay to tire out the protesters. And  hope they will give up.

I believe in democracy and in the Greater Good but  even if you’re blinded, uneducated and hungry, you shouldn’t be ruled or driven by people who want you dead or a slave. Democracy takes time and requires intelligence, patience and consensus to work. Right now, Romania doesn’t have the neither the time nor the patience and consensus to move  forward. We need to make that magic happen, write down that Masterplan, fuck the actual  Government and make a parallel one which  actually works. Then capitalism will favor the smart and the efficient. I honestly wonder why people haven’t made an alternative government…like an alternative product ( iOS vs Android, Mac vs Windows), we’re shareholders, employees and innovators. Our country should be ruled the way its best with the best tools by the adequate people.

I study, pray and write, so that I might make a difference. We live in the Era of Smart Work and I believe by being United and Smart we can achieve Greatness.

This is an intellectual rampage and you should read it with a consistent dose of skepticism